Our very first Mission Bit class spent half of the semester working on open-ended projects. A few of them are hard to demo online, but here are some fun ones!
The Adventure Game project was one of the first projects in the Spring 2014 semester where the students got to flex their creative muscles. Building an adventure game in HTML was great motivation for many of the students to dig deeper into CSS and gave them the opportunity to think about how to structure a site with a lot of separate pages.
For their end of semester projects, most of the groups decided to build games of their own design!
For their end of semester projects, most of the groups decided to build games of their own design with the Phaser HTML5 game framework!
For their end of semester projects, most of the groups decided to build games of their own design with the Phaser HTML5 game framework!
For their end of semester projects, most of the groups decided to build games of their own design with the Phaser HTML5 game framework!
For their end of semester projects, most of the groups decided to build games of their own design with the Phaser HTML5 game framework!
For their end of semester projects, most of the groups decided to build games of their own design with the Phaser HTML5 game framework!